Thursday, April 2, 2015

Love With Food Box by Gfree Foodie Review and giveaway!

I am so excited to be reviewing the March Love with Food Box Curated by GF-Foodie!
There are a few gluten free subscription boxes out there but what caught my eye about the Love with Food Box is that everything in the box is natural or organic. Just because something is gluten free does not mean that it is healthy so it's really nice finding snacks that are gluten free, taste good and that are good for you. With the Love with Food Gluten Free Box you receive one box every month with 8-12 gluten free snacks. Boxes are $24.50 a month if you subscribe for a year. They also have six month subscriptions or you can just buy month to month. Everything in the box is safe for people with Celiac which is great because you don't have to worry if what your eating might get you sick. They let me know they are very careful when picking out the snacks for the box and work with the companies to ensure that all the items are truly gluten free. Another thing that separates this box from the rest is for every box sold Love with Food donates two meals to a food bank! Isn't that amazing?
So right away I notice my box is jammed packed with yummy treats. It came with a notecard that lists every treat and all their facts and allergen information which was incredibly helpful. It also came with recipes and coupons. So you get even more savings. I even got a full size Bob Red Mills Pie Crust Mix! I fell in love with the turbana plantain chips so I'm definitely going to have to find them. I also got to try a few things I have never tried like chickpeas and kale chips (which were perfect to top on nachos). I was also excited for the morning tea because I love tea. They also had an orange fruit drink, Mexican seasoning, Bops chips and granola. All tasted delicious. My Son even loved them. Overall, I loved this box and it's definitely going on my Christmas list.

*Giveaway Closed* They also want to giveaway a box to two of my readers! You definitely want to enter for your chance to win. Just comment on why you would like to try a Love With Food Gluten Free Box and follow the steps on the rafflecopter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Note: I was sent this box to review for free but was not paid or told what to write. All opinions are my own. Contains affiliated links. Congratulations Ashley and Tracey! You should have received an email from me today. Please respond within in 48hours. Thank you all for entering and I hope to have more giveaways in the future so keep an eye out. ***Giveway Now Closed*** 50% off 1st Love With Food Gluten Free Box


  1. I would like to try all the delicious goodies in the box! Esp the pie crust mix

  2. I would love to try because we eat a gluten free, organic diet and this would be interesting to try!

  3. My whole family is G-Free and trying a box like this opens our eyes to many new possibilities.

  4. I love getting to try new GF products w/out having to commit to an untested product purchase -- eating GF is expensive, and some products can be hit or miss!

  5. My family loves to try new products. This would be a great way to find new products/foods that are gluten free.

  6. So glad you all have entered. Good luck!

  7. I'm a current subscriber but free is awesome. Love love with food!

    1. Thanks for the chance to win.
