Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Quick Update

Hey everyone. So, I wanted to let you know what has been going on with me lately. So, my Husband and I just bought our first home. Let me tell you it was not easy. I thought getting a mortgage approval was going to be the hard part and boy was I wrong. That was by far the easiest. Finding a home, waiting to see if your offer gets accepted and then having to go through the inspections was very stressful and time consuming. Now that we are settled in and everything is getting back to normal I am excited to get back to blogging and sharing all the fun gluten free and green finds. I'm putting some blogs together right now. I also will be starting a YouTube Channel. I'm not sure if i'm going to like do them or where that will take me but I have been wanting to do it for awhile now. I'm not sure when I will start them but I know it will be pretty soon. This blog is still very important to me and a big part of my life. I have met so much wonderful people in our gluten free and green community and I am so thankful for that. Hope you all enjoy your holidays. Have a wonderful week, Sylvia

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