Friday, February 6, 2015

January Favorites

I found great gluten free food and products this month and I'm so excited to share them with you. I added the ingredients to all items and a link to their website so you can check them out.

So Delicious Whipped Cream: If you love coconut you need to try this dairy free whipped cream. It's light, fluffy and has a killer coconut flavor that I think is perfect for a fruit salad. I even put them on top of my cupcakes instead of frosting. It's a lot healthier than regular dairy whipped cream and perfect for people who avoid dairy.

Daiya Strawberry Cream Cheese: I really missed my occasional morning bagel with cream cheese. Now I can have it again with this yummy strawberry cream cheese. Just a little a little bit of it topped on a Udi's bagel and I forget that I'm dairy and gluten free.

Raizana Teas: I found this tea company at my local Gluten Free Expo. All the teas they make are gluten free. I tried the Woman's TLC tea. It is a delicious herbal lose tea that is suppose to help you on that time of month. The reason I chose this tea is because I really dislike taking medication not to mention most pain medicine are not guaranteed to be gluten free. I really believe this herbal tea helps and relaxes me. It is about $4.25 for a 1oz. bag and $9.99 for a 3oz bag. They really last a good amount of time. You can find more information and order on their website.

Udi's Burritos: Udi's frozen burritos are way better than regular frozen burritos. Perfect for a busy day or to take to work for lunch. There are about five flavors. I tried and love the veggie burrito. I Can't wait to try the other flavors. I believe most or all flavors do have dairy in them so these might not work for you if you are completely dairy free.

Desert Essence Mouthwash: I already love Desert Essence  tea tree oil toothpaste so I decided to try the tea tree oil mouthwash. I'm going to be honest when I first tried it I thought it tasted really bad because the tea tree oil taste. It took me awhile to get used to the taste and now I do not notice it at all. The reason I decided to keep using it is because of how fresh it left my mouth feeling unlike other natural mouthwashes I have tried. I have also had gum issues in the past (pretty sure because undiagnosed Celiac Disease) and tea tree oil helps keep your gums healthy. So there are many benefits from this mouthwash. I found this mouthwash at Sprouts and you can find them at other health stores and websites.

Deep Steep: Deep Steep is gluten free, cruelty free and has green ingredients and is amazing! I was shopping at Marshalls (I also heard people have found them at TJ Maxx) when I spotted a Deep Steep Scrub on sale for $5.00 (I believe the sticker said the original price was $10.00). I always wanted to try the Deep Steep brand and I am so glad I did. It feels so luxurious and smells so good! It leaves your skin soft and smooth with a light refreshing sent. It's perfect for when I want to treat my skin with something after a hard run.

Running: So I know this is not a product but I am just loving how running has been making me feel this year. You see last year was a very horrible year for me because I lost my Grandmother and Aunt who I was very closed to. I am still struggling everyday with losing them. I started feeling worse and worse so I knew that I had to do something about how I was feeling. A few years ago I was a very active person. I would run around maybe 3-4 miles a day. I got pregnant with my Son and after that I got sick (thyroid & celiac) and I haven't jogged since. I have always been a person who stresses out and has a lot of anxiety and I know that excising has always helped me deal with stress. To be honest I was scared to try to go running again at first because I knew I was so out of shape. I made a lot of excuses of why I couldn't do it but I realized it didn't matter how much I ran but just trying would help. I'm so glad I tried because I'm getting better and better everyday. When I run it just feels like all my stress just melts away. I feel so energized and happy especially when I reach a goal. Of course it doesn't take all the pain and sadness away but it does help.

So these are my January favorites. Have you tried any of these products? What did you like or dislike? Feel free to comment below. Don't forget to subscribe by email to get all my latest posts. Have a great weekend!  :)

*I am an affiliate for Raizana Teas but I will still post my honest opinion on their teas.

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