Saturday, November 22, 2014

Why I started using natural products

While looking for true gluten free beauty products and makeup I noticed most of the companies I started using talked about toxic ingredients. They made me think about what I was using everyday not only on myself but my family. I decided to do some research. What I found was startling. I couldn't believe all the scary and toxic chemicals that name brand companies use everyday. I trusted these companies and always thought their products were safe. For example one ingredient that is in almost everything we own (shampoo, lotions, makeup, even baby products) is parabens. Companies and the FDA says they are perfectly safe but studies show that parabens have been found in cancerous breast tumors. Europe has banned over 1,000 ingredients in beauty products and the U.S. has only banned or restricted 11. That's right only 11. This means companies can still put formaldehyde in your nail polish and coal tar in your hair dyes. One of the first websites I found was  It is a great resource. You can type the name of a product in their database and it will score on a 0-10 scale how hazardous your product is. It will also name every ingredient in the product and score every individual ingredient in that product. It even gives you tips on what ingredients to avoid when shopping. So, I decided to type in all the products I and my family use.  All my products including my son's were scored medium to high hazard. I know not everyone will care about this issue but a lot of people (like me) had no idea. I have switched all my products already and seen a huge difference in my son's eczema. He has not had a breakout since. I really encourage you to look at the ingredients and be aware of what you are putting on your skin.

P.S. I thought switching would be very expensive. It really is not. Websites like and have discounted products. I also recommend looking for products in discount stores like grocery outlet and Marshall's. You can even find wonderful products at target.

Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend.

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