Friday, November 17, 2017


I wanted to give a quick update. I know it's been such a long time since I have made a post but I'm back.

I made a lot of changes this year. I started school, began to work out, and started eating a more clean diet. It has made a huge difference in my life. I lost forty-three pounds so far and feel so amazing. I have energy and my gut has healed. Before I started my new journey I was taking 150mg of Levothroid and now I'm only taking 100mg. My new journey is not easy and at times I still struggle but I know I can never go back.

With all the new changes I feel as though it is time for my blog to change too. I decided on a name change and want to incorporate lifestyle and health in my blog. I do not want it to be just about product reviews although I will still be doing them.

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