Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tips to find Gluten Free Foods on A Budget

As you know gluten free foods can be pricey. I wanted to share some of my tips that could help you save some money. All the products listed in this picture were under $2.00! This is how I did it.

1. Shop at Discount Stores: Don't be afraid to shop at discount stores. Just because the products are discounted does not mean they are expired and spoiled. I have found quality food products at discount stores. If you are in California look for .99 Cents Only stores and Grocery Outlets. If you have no idea if there are any stores like these near you look online. It's worth the research. I have bought Udi's bread for .99 cents! I have even found discounted items at Ross and Marshalls. Always take a look around when you shop even at a store that normally doesn't sell food because you never know. I've also found topical products at discount stores for half or even a quarter of the price.

2. Stock Up: When there is a sale stock up. Especially if the item can be frozen. Like I mentioned earlier I found Udi's bread at the .99 cents store. Since they can be frozen for months I stocked up. I mean the cart was full. Yes the cashier looked at my husband and I like we were crazy but hey I have enough bread for the rest of the year and saved hundreds. So, if the item is something you really like, will last awhile and something you need then by all means fill the cart!

3. Make Friends: Luckily, I have a wonderful friend who also has Celiac Disease. We support each other and understand the gluten free lifestyle and it's challenges. So, if any of us sees anything on sale we tell each other. I've saved a lot of money not buying something full price because her and her family found the same product somewhere else cheaper. If you don't know anyone else that has Celiac Disease there might be groups you to join. Most Whole Foods will host gluten free groups. If not ask your family or a close friend to keep out an eye out for you. Also, connect with people on Facebook and twitter. It's always nice to have some support in hard times.

4. Research: Look online for sales and coupons. Read blogs because some more popular bloggers will get a discount for all their followers when they review and blog on a product. Follow your favorite brands on social media like Facebook and Twitter because sometimes they will give you coupons or share discounts. Join newsletters and mailing groups. I know researching can be time consuming but as Celiacs it's something we are used to since we have to research everything we eat. You might even come across a new food item or product that you fall in love with.

5. Shop Online: Sometimes you can find food, make up and products online cheaper than in the stores. Sites like and has some discounted food and products also. Most companies will have occasional sales. Most of the time when you buy a certain amount you can get discounted or free shipping.

What are your tips on saving money on gluten free foods and products? Feel free to share them in the comments section.

I will be blogging on switching to natural products and makeup soon so be sure to follow so you don't miss out.

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