Sunday, October 26, 2014

Green Tag

Hi everyone! I Thought it would be fun to do a Green Tag that Rachel from created. Check out her blog. It's awesome. She also vblogs on YouTube.

1. What started it all off for you?
I started looking up gluten free makeup and skin products and noticed most of these companies talked about having safe ingredients. That made me think of what I was putting on my skin and I started to research. I couldn't believe how much toxic chemicals were in the products I used everyday! I decided I had to start using better products.

2. What was the first thing to go? (Ingredient or product)
First makeup, then skincare, shampoos and then I switched all my household products. The first ingredient to go was parabens.

3. What are you/did you struggle to let go of?
Probably my Gainer Fruitis Fall out Shampoo. One of my first symptoms of being gluten or my thyroid acting up is hair loss. I was afraid of switching my shampoo because the fallout shampoo worked so great. Then I read how awful the ingredients are like sulfates and knew it was time to switch. It's actually been good so far. I'm still looking for a shampoo that i love.

4. What has been your best find or change? (i.e a green product or a tip that you're really glad you've found/learnt)
Essential Oils. They are great for some many things and it really helps my anxiety on stressful days.

5. What has been the worst thing about going green? What has been the hardest to transition or find an adequate green replacement of?
I say convience. Just not being able to go to any store and grab what I want.

6. Anything else to add? Any tips or tricks to pass on?
I say when you start off set your standards. You don't have to follow what anyone else is doing. You can start off slow and just do what you feel is right for you.


  1. Great post :-) thanks for doing my tag and mentioning me too!! :-)
    Good point about starting off slow, it really isn't a race and a small change is better than none :-)

    1. Thank you so much for reading. :) It was so fun to do. :)
