Tuesday, January 15, 2019

These are a few of my favorite things...

*This is an old post that I never published. I thought I'd go ahead and post it. 

I went back to school last year and I am really enjoying studying and learning new things. With that being said going back to school can be stressful. Something that seems to help me is planning. I plan my meals, errands and when to do my homework, etc... I bought a planner at school but it fell apart too quickly. I wanted something small so I could carry it with me to school and I ended up finding this great Create 365 planner from Michael's. It's a great quality planner.

You know I love Red Apple Lipstick and Brija Cosmetics. I'm so in love with both of these lip products. Berrycuda by Red Apple Lipstick is such a fun beautiful color and Talent Wand Lipstick from Brija is perfect for everyday wear.

Berrycuda on Left and Talent on Right
Schmidt's Naturals now makes toothpaste. They do not have a gluten free statement so I emailed the company and they let me know all of their products are gluten-free. They have many flavors and I found a three pack for 9.99 at Costco. Such a great deal. I believe I have seen them in other stores for around 5.99 for a tube. They have a lot of flavors and I chose their activated charcoal toothpaste. The toothpaste itself is grey so I'm not sure how much-activated charcoal is actually in the product compared to other brands but it was a good starting point for me. It tastes minty and it leaves my mouth feeling clean. https://schmidts.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiApvbhBRDXARIsALnNoK0e110gnCPG0NsXLJ0CCEAxivCGCp2WYNUqBnhIj0txFd4DCPn5ZfsaAtPjEALw_wcB

Re: Fresh organic Toning Face mist is great for setting your make-up or misting yourself in hot weather. The one I have is in the scent in cucumber and rosewater. It's organic, gluten-free, organic, GMO-free and vegan. Find more about it at plantapothecary.com 

My Favorite New Blush

I wanted to make a quick post on my new favorite new blush. I'm really loving Tango from Red Apple Lipstick. It is perfect for olive skin tones. It goes on smooth and the pigment is gorgeous! It's also gluten-free, cruelty-free, and doesn't have nasty ingredients. You can find more of my reviews on Red Apple Lipstick in older blog posts. 

It is $25.00 and you can find it at https://www.redapplelipstick.com/blush/#B304anchor

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What I eat

Some of the meals that helped me lose over 40lbs. You do not have to starve or sacrifice to lose weight. I originally posted this on my facebook page but I thought I'd share them with you.


PiperWai Deodorant

Finding a natural deodorant that works is a huge challenge. My sister saw an ad for piper wai and she told me that it was natural and cruelty-free. Piper Wai uses activated charcoal which is great for absorbing odor and moisture. I decided to give it a try. First of all, it smells amazing. I love herbal smells. It comes in a 2oz. jar. You have to work it in a bit (the directions ask you to work it in until it goes clear) while applying especially in the winter but it is worth the trouble. I've done yoga and did a three-mile run and no smell what so ever. You do sweat but that is expected with any natural deodorant. It is a little pricey but well worth it for me. I believed I paid 15.00 on Amazon so it might be cheaper on the site. It lasts a very long time so I feel the price is a good value.

*I was not paid to write this review. I purchased these products with my own money and all opinions are my own.

What is your favorite natural deodorant?

Friday, August 3, 2018

I had a setback this year. My thyroid had been slow since and I wasn't making as much progress with losing weight. I pushed through and kept exercising and eating right. I'm so glad I did. Not only did all my blood test come back normal they were improved. I can eat dairy with no problems and I don't have a vitamin D or calcium deficiency anymore and I no longer have to take vitamins. My Celiac and thyroid are under control. I was having liver problems in the begging of this journey and now all my numbers are fantastic. It's so crazy how much your health can improve by just eating clean. Now that I'm feeling better I'm hoping to be back on a more regular basis.
You can follow me on my facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/thisautoimmunejourney/

Friday, November 17, 2017


I wanted to give a quick update. I know it's been such a long time since I have made a post but I'm back.

I made a lot of changes this year. I started school, began to work out, and started eating a more clean diet. It has made a huge difference in my life. I lost forty-three pounds so far and feel so amazing. I have energy and my gut has healed. Before I started my new journey I was taking 150mg of Levothroid and now I'm only taking 100mg. My new journey is not easy and at times I still struggle but I know I can never go back.

With all the new changes I feel as though it is time for my blog to change too. I decided on a name change and want to incorporate lifestyle and health in my blog. I do not want it to be just about product reviews although I will still be doing them.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Huge Gluten Free Giveaway Hosted Canyon Bake House and Love with Food

I have an exciting giveaway to share with you all. Canyon Bakehouse and Love With Food are giving away an amazing prize. Three people will win one of every product that Canyon Bakehouse makes. So, enter down below and good luck.

If you are curious about Love With Food feel free to click on my link and save.
Save on your first box!