Wednesday, August 8, 2018

PiperWai Deodorant

Finding a natural deodorant that works is a huge challenge. My sister saw an ad for piper wai and she told me that it was natural and cruelty-free. Piper Wai uses activated charcoal which is great for absorbing odor and moisture. I decided to give it a try. First of all, it smells amazing. I love herbal smells. It comes in a 2oz. jar. You have to work it in a bit (the directions ask you to work it in until it goes clear) while applying especially in the winter but it is worth the trouble. I've done yoga and did a three-mile run and no smell what so ever. You do sweat but that is expected with any natural deodorant. It is a little pricey but well worth it for me. I believed I paid 15.00 on Amazon so it might be cheaper on the site. It lasts a very long time so I feel the price is a good value.

*I was not paid to write this review. I purchased these products with my own money and all opinions are my own.

What is your favorite natural deodorant?

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