Thursday, September 25, 2014

Essential Oils

Now Essential Oils Review:
I love Essential Oils. Essential oils are oils extracted and distilled from a plant, flower or sometimes even food (lemon, orange etc..). Essential Oils have been used since achient times for beauty treatments, perfumes and even medicine. They are natural, usually have no side effects and have many benefits. As a person who has to take medicine daily because of thyroid disease and a vitamin deficiency I really don't like to take more medicine then I have to. I use essential oils for headaches, stomach pain, anxiety, insomnia and even my acne breakouts.
I wanted to find an essential oil brand that was inexpensive, natural, pure and had no fillers. My Sister bought some from a discount store and did not notice they had wheat germ until she showed me the products. Having celiac disease I do not like to use any products with gluten in them. I believe our bodies absorb what we put in our skin and I do not feel like washing my hands every time I use a product so I wont be cross contaminated.
 I did some research and I found Now Essential Oils. Not only are they 100% pure oil but they are also cruelty free. They have a wide range of selections. They smell good and work for me. I have used them almost every day and they have lasted for a few months. Most are inexpensive and start around $5.00. You can also find more information at their website
I order my essential oils from but you can get them on other sites like vitacost, etc... Overall, I have had a wonderful experience with Now Essential Oils.
*I was not paid to review this product and bought it myself.
*I am not a doctor. Talk to your doctor when starting something new and if you have any questions or concerns. I am just sharing my experience with essential oils. Everyone is different so what may work for me might not work for you.


  1. These are the ones I use too! I put lavender on the bottom of my feet and it helps my anxiety

  2. I need to try that for my anxiety. Great tip.
