Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Getting to Know me..

Just a question tag so you can get to know me a little better. Feel free to answer the questions yourself and post in the comment section.

1. Are you named after anyone?
Yup a family friend :)

2. When was the last time you cried? Watching Once Upon a time I think. I cry all the time when watching shows and movies. I can't help it.

3. Do you have kids? Yes. I have one awesome Son.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Hopefully.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No. Never. ;)

6. Will you ever bungee-jump? Not for a million dollars.

7. What’s your favorite cereal? Probably Honey Chex.

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  If they are positive or not.

9. What is your eye color? Dark brown.

10. Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings!

11. Favorite smells? Flowers, herbal smells and right after it rains.

12. Summer or winter? Fall. I used to love summer but theses past years have been to hot. So, now I love fall. The holidays, clothes and food are awesome.

13. Computer or television? Both.

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Mexico.

15. Do you have any special talents? Hmm... being a Mom.

16. How old are you? 27.

17. What are your hobbies? Reading, blogging, thrifting, anime and I love to collect and watch anything Disney.

18. Do you have any pets? No not yet.

19. Favorite movie? I have a lot. I love classics like Sabrina, Tammy and the Bachelor, Casablanca, the list goes on and on. I love musicals too. I love Pride and the Prejudice (the Lawrence Olivia and the Kiera Nightly version), Ever After, Sense and Sensibility. I love 80's and 90's movies. I'll stop there.. I'm getting carried away.

20. Do you have any siblings? One younger sister

21. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm already a grown up but if I could have any career I'd be a teacher or writer.

22. What is your favorite book? I have a lot. Just fell in love with the HP series. I love Chronicles of Narnia, anything Jane Austen and Roald Dahl. My favorite books growing up were Anne Of Green Gables, Little Women and Secret Garden and I still read them every year.

23. What is your favorite color? Green.

24. What are you watching T.V. right now? I just discovered Once Upon a Time and Smash. Big Bang Theory, Goldbergs, The Voice, Dancing with the Stars and Pokémon with my son. Waiting for all my supernatural type shows to start.

25. Why did you decided to start a blog? I really just thought it would be fun. It can be hard finding gluten free food and products. It really sucks paying big bucks for something only to find out that the product/food is no good. So, why not share my reviews to help people find a great product

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